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In-person Events

Of course, there is only so much that you can do with virtual connections. That is why, at Accurest, we conduct at least one annual in-person outing where we balance both work and fun via events that are a mix of extensive training combined with entertaining activities like movie screenings, gaming sessions, and general bonding over great food amidst exciting settings.

A Fun Work Culture, Virtual & More

With a lot of importance on building an enriching work culture despite having 100% remote working opportunities, our fun Friday sessions with games, jokes, and other activities allow the team to connect through virtual events designed to help you rejuvenate, de-stress, and remain in sync with the each other, and the company

Personal Growth & Development

We take a personal interest in the growth and development of every team member at Accurest. For us, every Accurist is a person first, and an employee or associate later. With that in mind, weekly training and customized learnings are strategized for you to upgrade, update, upskill, and be future-ready as an individual and professional.